March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to - ME!

Tonight, I've stayed up much, much later than I should have. But, I am reveling in the loveliness of celebrating another birth-day today (YES!!!) and I am not quite ready to move on yet, despite my husband encouraging me not to stay up all night. Oops! I'll probably pay for that tomorrow in exhaustion but... that's what coffee's for, right?

The truth is, I wasn't sure if today was going to be amazing because I went to bed last night away from my family, nursing a tired little monkey who was worn out from nearly a week of stomach flu (ugh!). But, when I woke, I decided to be thankful - that I have a little monkey girl to nurse and a family to miss! And somehow, this day became amazing despite it's uncertain beginning. It didn't happen without a lot of love and care from family and friends who went out of their way to make it special. THANK YOU!

I have spent a lot of time over this last month reflecting on the blessings of my life. These past few years have not been without challenges. But, somehow, as I look back, the blessings stand out to me in drastic relief against everything else. It is as though all those challenges have served to more brightly illuminate what an absolute treasure each moment of life can be if only I will let it.

Added together, those moments beam like bright stars through the darker moments of my life. I am so awed by their light and beauty, I cannot stop gazing at them. My heart and mind are blinded by their radiance! Thus - my late, LATE night.

As I wonder at their loveliness, this arrangement by Morten Lauridsen comes to mind. The poetry by James Agee perfectly describes my feelings in the line..."Kindness must watch for me this side the ground"

I love the University of Utah's rendition.

The rest of the words follow...

"Sure on this shining night
Of star made shadows round
Kindness must watch for me
This side the ground.
The late year lies down the north.
All is healed, all is health.
High summer holds the earth.
Hearts all whole.
Sure on this shining night I weep for wonder wand'ring far alone
Of shadows on the stars."

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Are you enjoying the shimmering night of your life?

Blessings - Monna

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