About This Blog

This started out as a place to write about the adventures of stay-at-home motherhood. When I had my first child, I'd just left a career and finished a college degree (in that order) and felt disenfranchised from the world of adulthood. Suddenly, I was buried in a new world of dirty diapers, nap schedules, breastfeeding and more dirty diapers. I had the sneaking suspicion my previous accomplishments had left me vastly unprepared for this latest role!

Everywhere I went, I met moms who, like me, had gone from careers to being home and they felt the same way. Lost. Women, proficient in professional fields, who were left wondering if they were they only ones who felt overwhelmed by this new paradigm of life called motherhood. And, um, if they were the only ones buried in dirty diapers. Boy, was I relieved not to be alone! I decided to start writing for those moms - to encourage them and someday find a way to introduce them to other women who felt the same.

But, while I started this blog as a place for moms like me to know they are not alone, it's evolved to more than that.

Now, I write about life in general. My brain power is slowly returning after years of sleep deprivation. We're an urban family trying to live an organic life but this blog is more than that to me. It's the living example of how life is an organic process. Life sort of happens to and around us while we're making our plans so I both participate and observe how we become who we are meant to be - physically, spiritually and mentally.

Topics I enjoy include creating community, supporting local businesses, gardening, politics, great food, herbal wisdom, natural health and being the best versions of ourselves. In other words, I write about whatever it is that currently interests me.

One thing you won't see on my blog is pictures of my kids. While I may occasionally share their antics, I'll leave up to them how much of themselves they want to publish on the internet - when they are adults. They don't do TV appearances either. Safety first!

I want this to be a place where people meet, laugh, and share real life. So, I hope you'll feel free to pull up a chair, have a cup of tea or coffee (sometimes we all need a little stimulant!) and talk back when you have something to say. I love hearing from you so please leave comments or contact me. Just use the manners your mama taught you, okay?

And, if you see any dirty diapers, just kick 'em out of the way.

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